The sheet metal processing market is undergoing a pressing evolution. In the era of micro-lots and mass customization, maintaining high competitiveness requires the optimization of several factors:
In addition to this, there is perhaps the most important element for a manufacturer: the return on investment (ROI). The goal, in fact, is to meet the needs of customers remaining within a framework of economic sustainability.
The advantages of laser-punching cutting integration
It is precisely to ensure a precise alignment with the dynamics of markets and customer demands that have been designed, some time ago, the first integrated machines for punching and laser cutting, stressing that the two operations could be perfectly synergistic and complementary in the same production process.
The combination of cutting and punching in a single plant simplifies the process and increases productivity: ROI is optimized by increasing production capacity (which in fact reduces outsourcing) combined with time savings. Exploiting in synergy the peculiar capacities of both systems, it is in fact possible to realize complex pieceswith a single placement, ensuring speed and an extraordinary quality level. The two operations are naturally integrated into a single process based on automation which, besides speeding up processing, reduces the errors and the manual transport of material, an activity known to be subject to risks.
AMADA solutions: EML-AJ
The AMADA offer of combined punching and laser (fibre) cutting machines is positioned within this scenario. The objective of the EML-AJ range is summarized by the above considerations:
The machine is strongly focused on the concept of high speed, just to emphasize how the reduction of the lead time is strategic for the modern enterprises. This also applies both to cutting and punching process.
Laser cutting uses the AMADA fibre generator, in this case with a single 3 kW module, which ensures fast and precise machining on a wide range of materials, as well as a strong increase in productivity, efficiency and speed compared to CO2 lasers.
As for the punching unit, the machine aims to optimize speed, precision and flexibility. The latter aspect is greatly affected by the multi-purpose turret with 44 stations, equipped with an integrated 4-station threading unit (traditionally separate). The speed remains optimal thanks to 500 hits per minute (HPM)
Lead time reduction and continuous operation
In terms of process, the lead time reduction is determined by several features and technologies, among which the integration of the thread station, of which it has been said, but also ID tooling, which effectively eliminates setup errors and optimizes tool maintenance tasks. In addition, in conjunction with the Automatic Punch Die Changing (model EML-2513AJ PDC), it enables the concept of continuous operation, that is uninterrupted operation (zero downtime), made possible by the automatic tool replacement during laser operation or loading and unloading activities.
Also for the purposes of continuous operation, among the potential of the machine in the field of laser cutting is the 4-station automatic nozzle change system, which is not limited to replacement activities but also performs cleaning of the nozzle itself and calibration of the cutting head. Finally, always at level of process automation, the machine can be equipped with ad hoc solutions such as the AS-NTK automatic storage system or the RMP-N loading/unloading system.
Last but not least, the system stands out for its easy setup and control. Much of the credit goes to the AMNC 3I numerical control, which uses a neat and user-friendly interface, a large 21.5” touch display and one-touch functionality for the immediate setup of the machine. All this, strictly integrated with the proprietary AMADA software solutions, whose aim is a synergistic, centralized and optimized management of the entire production process, step by step.