U svetu koji se stalno menja, važno je ostati obaveštenim i u toku sa vremenom.
Zbog toga - u ovoj sekciji - vam nudimo sve najnovije vesti u polju obrade pločastih čelika i u svetu kompanije AMADA.
Inovacije, trendovi, korporativne i lokalne inicijative: čitajte naše najnovije vesti da pronađete sve ovo i mnogo više.
Our mission is clear: to build a sustainable, secure, and efficient future together
VišeAMADA'S revolution reduces consumption and increases productivity
VišeIndustry 5.0: the fifth industrial revolution. This new challenge, a natural evolution of the technological transition brought by Industry 4.0, aims at a "Collaborative Industry", a model that focuses on the individual and the environment, through incentives aimed at promoting more sustainable production processes from all points of view: ecological and social
VišeENSIS-AJ, REGIUS-AJ, VENTIS-AJ: the latest laser generation, for unparalleled machining quality. Discover the added value of laser technologies: operational simplicity and maximum precision.
VišeHRB-5020, EG-4010, HFE3i-5020: the ideal solutions for every production.
VišeDesigning sheet metal parts has never been so simple and functional, thanks to SheetWorks by AMADA: the 3D parametric solid model, that allows designing assembled parts, convert them into sheet metal and process their development automatically, optimizing the entire production process.
VišeThe most innovative response for speed and precision in laser cutting
VišeMany customized solutions to make your production cycle more efficient and safe in all sheet metal processing, from Blanking to Bending.
VišeLe tecnologie automatizzata HG-ATC e HRB-ATC riescono a ridurre i tempi di set-up e attrezzaggio e aumentare la produttività della tua azienda.
VišeFar dialogare gestionali di produzione e macchine AMADA non è mai stato così semplice: AMADA ORDER MANAGER è l’innovativo sistema cloud di AMADA che consente di trasformare la tua azienda in una Smart Factory
VišePerformance and Maintenance - With the AMADA service you can find the ideal solution for every production need: a highly specialized team and the latest technologies always available, everywhere.
VišeAMADA bending machine responds to the challenges of the industry by ensuring speed, simplification of the process and quality of the result.
VišeOptimizing productivity means adopting a systemic vision of the entire production process, exploiting synergies and automation
VišeAGIC was born to solve the numerous issues faced by customers around the world, including their demands for “support for new materials and processing technologies”, “improvement of automation and productivity,” and production innovation.
VišeThanks to the interconnection of machinery and data enhancement, V-factory enables remote monitoring and advanced support activities
VišeREGIUS-AJ responds to the challenges of sheet metal processing with speed, versatility and quality: here’s how
VišeIoT Support enables enterprises to reduce and prevent downtime, maximizing productivity and efficiency.
VišeSpeed and continuous operation are some of the benefits of laser-punching combination machines. AMADA EML-AJ is an eloquent example.
VišeRelieving people from stressful activities and making the most of the human machine synergy. These are the trends of industrial automation
VišeFrom online courses to remote support, here’s how to update the skills of your resources, preparing them for the challenges of tomorrow
VišeHRB-ATC guarantees high performance, the use of the latest technology, safety and sustainability
VišeLess injuries, more comfort and well-being: how technology 4.0 helps achieve these goals
VišeIn the era of Industry 4.0, data analysis is - or should be - the main decision support tool.
VišeL’aumento esponenziale della potenza del laser si accompagna a tecnologie dedicate a incrementare velocità, qualità e risparmio
VišeFrom predictive maintenance to industrial process optimization: how AI perfects the smart factory
VišeThe new ENSIS fibre laser series has been expanded to incorporate 6.2 x 2.5 metre capabilities and provide you the best technology ever!
VišeIn sheet metal bending, the skill gap is very pronounced. Machines like AMADA HBR-ATC help reduce it. Here’s how
VišeLaser cutting and automation work in symbiosis to improve cutting quality, speed and production process efficiency
VišeThe quality of laser cutting depends on the quality of the source and the ability to control the beam, which many AMADA technologies are aimed at.
VišeA factory connected according to the Industry 4.0 model enables remote monitoring of assets and processes. Industrial Smart Working is a reality!
VišeHigh machine performance, automatic setup and offline programming make sheet metal bending tasks efficient. Learn more.
VišeLet’s discover together the role of Assist Gases, that is the Assist Gases to the cutting process, and their impact on essential parameters of productivity, production speed and reduction of operating costs.
VišeMachine downtime, waiting for the technician and spare parts are just a memory: thanks to the laser head repair kit you can intervene quickly and independently!
VišeIntelligent automation is one of the enabling technologies of the 4.0 model. What are your goals? Maximum efficiency and a new relationship between man and machine
VišeLaser cutting is a cornerstone of sheet metal working processes: it ensures precision, speed, reduced consumption and maximum versatility
VišeIndustry 4.0 is based on the concepts of interconnection and data enhancement, very dear to AMADA and its V-factory system. Let’s see how.
VišeIncreasing production flexibility means having the right mix of tools, processes, resources and technologies. Here’s how to do it.
VišeCost reduction, productivity maximization, lead time acceleration and efficiency increase are just some of the promises of remote support services
VišeFind out how to meet the challenges of a competitive market by optimising production cycles. Download our whitepaper now!
VišeThe guys of the Team AUDACE of UniTS, sponsored by AMADA, were among the protagonists interviewed by Donatella Bianchi, for the broadcast of RAI 1, Linea Blu.
VišeThanks to end-to-end virtualization and management of the production cycle, AMADA software ensures products of quality, speed of execution and security
VišeReducing setup times, production costs, shortening lead times and working with less effort are some reasons to consider a machine with automatic tool changer.
VišeThe project is ready for the official presentations: from 25 to 27 September the hull will be on display at Trieste Next!
VišeThe benefits of punching added to those of the laser: this is how combined machines for sheet metal processing are presented. We deepen the topic and discover the AMADA solutions.
VišeIndustry 4.0 is an innovative industrial model enabled by the latest generation of technologies. AMADA supports the 4.0 paradigm with advanced solutions, including the V-factory system
VišeAccelerating machine setup is crucial to optimize production, reduce costs and lead time. AMADA offers solutions equipped with automatic equipment