Technology, production processes, machinery and innovations.
We are at your service with a new free participation mode!
From Open Houses to Webinars, the evolution of AMADA’s events
This historic moment offers us the opportunity to take up a new challenge: to find different ways to be at your side and continue to carry on the AMADA's update program we were following through our Open-Houses.
Seeing the machines working at our Technical Centre is a difficult experience to replicate online, but web thematic appointments (which we will certainly propose you even when we go back to work together) are a useful technical insight that perfectly integrates the live experience.
Webinars, what they are and how they work
A meeting time and a confrontation with an expert, webinars are appointments that combine the convenience of usability from home with the possibility of interacting with our specialists, exactly as if you were in the same room, but through slides, movies and a chat.
We at AMADA, for our webinars, have opted for limited number events with the possibility of interaction. The insights will be recorded to be listened to even after the live broadcasts.
The AMADA program
We have identified a number of topics that we are passionate about and that we believe may be of interest to you, but any suggestions will be taken into consideration.
Here is the whole updated list of appointments: don't miss one!
*webinar available only in italian language
May 8th and 11th:
Blanking-to-Bending Process: Turning problems into results!
We have analyzed the common working phases in a typical factory and we have highlighted which are t
he problems that most affect the time / cost ratio of a production.
If you missed the live-stream, no problem:
View the recording
May 29th and June 1st:
Webinar EML-AJ: a perfect combination!
Let's discover together the advantages of the highly automated laser punching system,
for flexible and consistent production with low operating cost.
view the recording
June 12th and 15th:
ATC: a production philosophy that changes...automatically
The automatic tool changer of AMADA machines:
one of the fastest, most controlled and advanced systems to avoid bottlenecks in production.
Let's talk about it together!
July 16th:
Open House 4.0 live from Digital TC
Welcome back to the Technical Center, this time in virtual mode, for a live morning!
A new work experience to share. We look forward to seeing a lot of you online.
For questions, comments and suggestions, please, write to:
AMADA Italia Team