We want to share with you all the information and indications necessary to reach our company, in compliance with the anti-Covid-19 measures currently in place, to allow for everybody – staff and third parties – to carry out their work in a safe manner.
Access to the AMADA offices: precautionary indications.
We are reopening our company in adherence with all the necessary safety precautions: the access to our offices follows the anti-Covid-19 measures currently in place.
We ask you to read the vademecum in order to share and maintain the correct behavior in the workplace
for our staff and for all of those who reach us for business purposes.
We all need to do our bit
To safely reopen it is necessary to collaborate, to follow the correct behavior as indicated by the national measures currently in place and by the AMADA Company Protocol, sharing all the necessary information with all of those who need to reach our company.
Hand sanitizing gel units and information posters offering useful indicationswill be placedby the main entrance and in strategic points around our building.
What to know in advance:
Who is allowed to enter our company?
It is always necessary to register in Reception, to guarantee traceability if needed.
Those who enter must wear disposable gloves and masks.
The use of surgical masks and FFP2 and/or FFP3 masks is allowed, provided they are without a valve.
You are requested to respect the distance of at least 1.5m from your interlocutor.
The use of elevators is limited to essential cases.
Dedicated and clearly identifiable toilets are reserved for visitors.
Lorry drivers cannot enter our premises. We are going to set up a document exchange point externally, through an AMADA Italia employee.
It is important to know that ...
AMADA Italia gives maximum attention to the protection of employees and visitors.
The company has been sanitized according to all the indications provided. The premises are subject to daily cleaning and periodic ventilation. Together with the practice of safe distancing, all the personal protection measures available can prevent the spread of the virus. We ask you for the same collaboration. In the event that a visitor is positive to Covid-19, please inform us immediately.
AMADA Italia Team