AMADA, per un progetto AUDACE



Audacious only in name (AUDACE), but actually futuristic and far-sighted: AMADA has linked its name to a project of great importance that involves the University of Trieste and tests the skills of engineering students in terms of environmental sustainability.


"Ecology” is one of the 4 founding values of the AMADA Group, the company’s commitment to preserving the environment is revealed at many levels, it is an emblem of the totally eco-sustainable Italian headquarters.

So it is not surprising that the Group has responded positively to a call: supporting, as sponsor, a group of students and professors of engineering at the University of Trieste (UniTS) in a project that correlates training, research, innovation and sport.

Already active towards young people, through school-work alternation experiences, AMADA is sensitive to the preparation of bright and talented students.

This is why it supports Audace Sailing Team, within the Engineering Department of units, in the design and construction of a boat whose hull must be highly performing and built in eco-friendly material, so as to demonstrate its adequacy by competing in important races on the Italian and international scene.

The project financed by AMADA, currently in temporary stand-by due to the Covid-19 emergency, will have prominence and visibility as early as the autumn, thanks to the scheduled sailing events, such as the Barcolana 52 in Trieste, the most largest in the world, and the 1001 Vela Cup, held in Gargnano on Lake Garda.

The participation of a production and business reality such as AMADA in this stimulating project is crucial to allow the University to be able to develop specific applied studies and research and to be able to verify innovative technical solutions, perhaps far from the field of sheet metal, but not from engineering design. at the basis of the common work: the use of new materials and technologies.