We are waiting for you on 25 and 26 November to welcome you to the most competitive Open House ever!
Automate to optimize:
a more performing production process reduces time-costs, minimizes waste and increases profits.
Automation makes it more competitive on the market, to the advantage of its customers as it reduces delivery times, eliminates downtime within the workshops, reduces set-up times and much more.
That's all? No!
We will talk about it on Friday 25th with two special guests: Marco Sala, Lean Manufacturing Consultant and Andrea Ferri, expert in Management Consulting.
From theory to facts ... from cut to bend!
At our Technical Center, we will show you an entire production process where we will explain all the advantages you can obtain by automating: we will start with the VENTIS laser with TK-EU, and we will end with the HRB-ATC bending machine.
Prepare the questions!
Download the APP!
To follow the tour in the Technical Center download the LiveVoice APP!
How you do it? Simple, just scan the QR CODE you find in the photo or click the following link.
As soon as you arrive, at the reception you will be given a code to enter in order to access the event.
Did you forget your earphones? No problem, we'll give them to you!
Friday 25th:
• arrival and reception by 09.15 am;
• technical seminar at 10:00;
• lunch at 13:00.
Saturday 26th:
• arrival and reception by 10.00 am;
• lunch at 12:45.
And in addition ...ONE LIKE ONE GIFT!
By popular demand, the ONE LIKE ONE GIFT social area is back!
All participants of the Open House will be given the opportunity to take home one of our beautiful gadgets.
Sign up now and don't miss it, you won't be disappointed!
We are waiting for you!
Please let us know if you are going to attend our event and stay for lunch by 12:00pm on 24th november,
by calling the number +39 0523 872111 or by emailing marketing@amada.it