This innovative machine treasure all the technologies that are the basis of the productivity of AMADA products but is enriched with innovations that can mark even more the difference in the quality of laser cutting.
To make it unique in its kind, certainly its drives: linear motors have in fact very high dynamics able to guarantee a precision and a repeatability of constant processes over time. These magnetic motors, operating in the absence of contacts and direct transmission, allow a unique speed and acceleration. Its technological properties, therefore, allow it to perform unmatched: first of all its speed of movement, but also the variable control of the beam, which allows you to adapt the laser to different materials and thicknesses, automatically modulating its density.
In common with the rest of the REGIUS line, it maintains the Laser Integration System (LIS) that drastically reduces both the setup time and the human intervention: thanks to the integrated technologies, in fact, the need for particularly specialised operators is offset. In addition to this, technologies remain such as i-Nozzle Checker for the control and centering nozzle, i-Optics Sensor that monitors the protection glass condition, i-Process Monitorong with pierce and cutting status control system and Automatic Head Collision Recovery for head reset after collisions.
Undoubtedly, however, one important novelty of the REGIUS AJe 12 kW is the new AMNC 4ie numerical control that, thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence allows, with the help of special cameras (i-CAS technologies), the resumption of already processed sheet metal and their filling completely automatically. The new numerical control brings with it another innovation: the face recognition of the operator, which allows the machine to update the settings according to the technician in front. This function is very useful, for example, for changing the language and also for automatically varying the different abilities.
The integrated Silky Cut system in the internal optics on the REGIUS AJe 12 kW makes the difference. This technology allows the machine, independently, to activate the function to obtain a very high quality of cutting on stainless steel, even up to 20 mm thick. This technology has made it possible to reach the same quality already obtained on stainless steel with CO2 lasers and can also apply to the processing of aluminium.
For more complex processes, such as those related to high thicknesses in the structural steel production sector, the innovative Dual Gas technology also intervenes to obtain perfectly perpendicular cuts even on high thicknesses: AMADA has achieved this goal through a series of improvements, including also structural changes of the cutting head of the machine compared to the past.
In the dynamics of a hyper competitive market, where manufacturers are struggling with increasingly tight times, halved batches and demands for flexibility that require planning even in the very short term, REGIUS AJe 12 kW is undoubtedly the best balance between versatility, quality, processing speed and low consumption for companies. The most advanced technologies, derived from the perfect synergy between engineering and technological choices, place REGIUS AJe 12 kW among the most revolutionary for fiber laser cutting: at the last edition of the Euroblech fair in Hanover, REGIUS AJe 12 kW was awarded as “the most innovative machine in the industry”.