The market demands flexibility, production efficiency and processing speed. For this reason companies need to reduce the downtime of production cycles more and more, in particular in the field of sheet metal bending where the processing speed is often constrained also by the characteristics of the material, making it difficult if not impossible to increase the speed of the press brake beyond certain limits.
To meet these challenges, AMADA offers the automated bending solution HRB-RBR that allows you to maximize efficiency even for medium and small batches. The combination of an automated press brake with a robot, in fact, also allows contractors (whose production is increasingly diversified and consists of many different batches of low volumes) to automate the bending phase.
With HRB-RBR, AMADA has in fact added to the HRB family of hydraulic press-brakes an anthropomorphic robot that can be easily programmed to manage the production of different parts with great simplicity. Machine and robot dialogue with each other and with the company system, making this automated solution extremely efficient and fully integrated in the production process of those who use it.
In view of the production flexibility, the decision to equip the press-brake with the ATC system for automatic tool change and to complete the plant with an anthropomorphic robot that takes the sheet metal, manages the bending phases and deposits the finished part, it proved to be undoubtedly a winner. In fact, the robot can always guarantee the same performance during the entire round of operation of the machine, and is able to switch from one batch to the next immediately regardless of the number and difficulty of the folds to be performed.
The processing phase is entrusted to the HRB press-brake which represents for AMADA the latest technology in the field of hydraulic press-brakes, equipped with technical solutions that make it fast, precise and above all efficient. But one of the main needs of companies that work with batches of low volumes is also to have a production without waste from the first piece. This is why HRB is completed with the ATC system for automatic tool change. The ATC is in fact combined with a complete and functional software package that allows you to program both the movements of the machine and the tool replacement operation.
In addition to these advantages brought by automation, AMADA offers a further step towards efficiency thanks to the introduction of the robot for the feeding of the press-brake: the HRB-RBR solution is in fact equipped with a medium-sized anthropomorphic robot, with a lifting capacity of 50 Kg to handle sheets up to 2000x1000 mm in size: a format that represents the right compromise between performance and manoeuvrability. The high level of automation of HRB-RBR also allows to limit the physical intervention of the staff to the minimum necessary, increasing production efficiency and greatly reducing any possibility of error.