We look forward to seeing you on 23 and 24 September at the Open House focused on Bending!
From Masters of TC in the art of sheet metal working, an unmissable Open House:
“Bending” in all its facets, from the electric one to that with automatic tool changer.
• arrival and welcome before 10:30am
• technical teminars at 11:00am
• lunch at 12:45
And in addition ... a SPECIAL GIFT!
All participants of the Open House will be given the opportunity to take home one of our beautiful gadgets made especially for the event on 23 and 24 September.
Are you curious what it is? Sign up now and don't miss it, you won't be disappointed!
We are waiting for you!
Please let us know if you are going to attend our event and stay for lunch by 12:00pm on 22nd september,
by calling the number +39 0523 872111 or by emailing marketing@amada.it